The new year is a crucial time for gyms – one that sees an influx of new members. And all these people signing up for your gym or fitness club will have one thing in common. They’re on the lookout for a great gym member experience.

Providing that great experience is one of the 7 Steps to a Successful Gym Business in 2023

Technology can’t reduce the crowds when gyms are busier around the New Year period. And why would you want it to? But it can make sure that your valued members have a better experience at busy times. 

There are 5 simple ways that the right technology can upgrade your new (and existing) members’ experiences:

1. Marketing

If you want those new members to show up, you need to get the word out in advance.

Technology can help. Set up automated marketing campaigns using gym management software like Xplor Gym to send out emails and texts to all your prospects during the festive period and into the new year. Combined with the right offer, this can help bring even more people through your doors.

You’ll also want to get all your social posts set up in advance, and make sure your paid media is all ready to be switched on after Christmas – just in time to get your message out to the influx of new gym-goers in January.

2. Joining

The last thing you – and your new and existing members – want to see is long queues at reception as people wait to sign up and access your facilities.

It’s crucial to use the right technology to eliminate any bottlenecks. Make it as quick and easy as possible for new members to join your gym or fitness club without queuing.

That means streamlining the whole joining process, with simple online options, sign ups through your mobile app, or even a simple self-service kiosk in your reception.

3. Paying

Just like new members don’t want to queue to sign up for your gym, none of your existing members want to join a queue to pay their monthly fees. So, you need to streamline this process with the right technology too.

Make sure that all your membership options can be set up, renewed, and paid digitally and automatically via Direct Debit. That way members will know they’ve paid before they head through your doors.

Think about an improved secure website, a mobile app with a payment function, or a simple self-service kiosk. And make sure signing up for Direct Debits is a simple, integrated part of your seamless joining process. 

4. Accessing

Once a member has joined your gym, there’s no need for them to queue up or wait at all – or for your staff to have to manage queues.

Technology can make accessing your gym as simple as tapping a card or scanning a code on your smartphone. You just need the right digital access technology.

And digital access works alongside digital payments. Your members can only access your gym once they’ve paid their fees. So, there are no bottlenecks at reception, and no need for team members to have to handle those awkward conversations about money.

5. Training

Once they’ve signed up, paid up, and walked through your doors, your new and existing members expect a more connected training experience. That’s especially true in January, when they’re sporting the latest wearable fitness tech after Christmas.

Members expect to be able to track and manage their own training digitally, and that means your tech – such as your machines – should integrate with the technology on their phones and on their wrists.

By helping your members track their training and progress towards their fitness goals, you’ll encourage them to engage more with your gym. That in turn makes them much more likely to become long-term members.

  • First published: December 16 2022

    Written by: Xplor Technologies